Basic designs for the Salamina-Perama Underwater Road Tunnels are about to be completed. According to safe information, what remains to be completed is a series of submarine surveys carried out the University of Patra (concerning mostly possible archaeological findings, sediments, etc.).
What seems to be secured now, from the long-lasting competitive dialogue process, is that the original design has been maintained, i.e. the onstruction of a road link ensuring seamless vehicle traffic without overburdening the areas of Perama and Paloukia (where the 2 ends of the tunnel will be located. From a technical point of view, what seems to be most likely is that the tunnel would be based on the seabed, in order for maximum operational safety to be ensured.
Very soon (during the Summer), once the environmental impact assessment is completed, it will be announced to the Municipalities of Perama and Salamina as well as Attica Region, making finally its way to the Ministry of Environent and Energy to receive its environmental licensing.
According to the current planning, in the beginning of 2019, we will be reaching the critical point for the submission of the binding financial offers from which the contractor (and concessionaire) will be decided. It is reminded that 3 contenders participate in the tender: METKA, TERNA and VINCI CONCESSIONS – VINCI HIGHWAYS – AKTOR CONCESSIONS.
Another important factor is the commerciality of the project, which could possibly result in the participation of the State. Additionally, EIB’s particpation in the funding scheme is also considered secured.
With the proclamation of the contractor, the pre-contractual period will start, following the standard procedure (assessment of the contract by the Court of Auditors and consequently its ratification by the Greek Parliament) eventually leading us to the signing of the concession contract by the end of 2019.
However what could delay the implementation of the project are the elections, before the signatures. The concession period (typically ranging from 30 to 35 years) will depend on the financial model to be followed and will be decided prior to the submission of the financial offers, including a construction period estimated at around 4 years.
Equally interesting is the issue of expropriations, as mentioned by the same sources at, that concerns mainly the side Salamina island for a length of 3 km.
It is noted that even after the completion of Perama-Salamina Tunnel, ferries will continue to operate as it is the case in Rio-Antirrio Bridge in Western Greece.
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