Very interesting information emerge with regard to the installation of the new electronic and satellite tolling system that will be charging drivers proportionally (based on mileage), thus abolishing all current toll stations. It is noted that the first stage of the tender. which is the Call for Expression of Interest, is set to take place on February 20th. Then we will have a first insight of which companies may be interested in undertaking the 400-mio-euro project.
According to report, foreign companies that have installed similar systems in Europe, and therefore possess relevant experience are: Vinci, Autostrade and Kapsch. The electronic-satellite system, our country is trying to implement is currently in operation in 4 European countries: Germany, Slovakia, Hungary and Belgium.
Where will the new system be applied
Initially, the system will be applied in Egnatia Motorway and its vertical axes (wherever there is a provision for toll charges). This development comes as a result of the only State-owned motorway’s impending privatization.
At a later stage, it will be applied to all tolled motorways of the country: Olympia, Moreas, Ionia, Nea Odos, Aegean and E65 Central Motorways where a charge per kilometer will be introduced. Sources from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport commented that Rio-Antirrio Bridge and Attiki Motorway could be incorporated in the new system with the payment of a specific billing fee (and not based on mileage).
What could be proven to be a thorny issue could be the arrangement regarding who will have the right to collect the tolls. Allegedly, with the new system, the toll will be collected from the State and afterwards will be attributed to the concessionaires accordingly. It is reminded that now, each concessionaire reserves this right for the sections of its jurisdiction.
Nevertheless, a crucial factor for this decision will be the stance of the creditors and the bank institutions that co-funded the construction in the first place.
How will the new system operate
As sources from the Ministry of Infrastructure say, we will have a “double” tolling system. For cars, a video tolling system will be used to record the vehicles upon their entrance and exit from the motorway system, while there will be sensors at every interchange.
The charge will be based on mileage and will be connected to each car’s license plate. If toll charges are paid instantly, e.g. from a connected bank account, the vehicle’s details will be also erased momentarily. The purchase of kilometres or just “air” monetary value will be even possible through a special app for smartphones.
For trucks, the installation of a special transceiver (very much similar to the ones currently in use) will be made mandatory, allowing satellite tracking. With the use of this system, each truck will be constantly recorded while it uses the road network and will be charged accordingly. An interesting piece of information is that discount policies will remain at the concessionaires’ discretion.
It is also very interesting that vehicles coming from abroad will be also charged. Drivers will have to purchase a special sign and trucks the same, above-mentioned pay-as-you-go charging device, that will incur the expected charges, billed on their way out of the country, unless the future contractor builds a compatible tolling system with other countries too. A surge in the revenues is expected here, especially in the case of Egnatia Motorway which serves as a main axis of the East to the Balkans and Western Europe, meaning that the era of “free ridership” is almost over.
The cost for the installation of the system will be covered by the Greek State, while resources from NSRF 2014-2020 are also being sought. Market sources characterize the budget quite “reasonable”, mentioning that many points need clarification at a technical, financial and operational levels. However, the end of 2018 does not seem, at least for now, a reasonable timeframe for the launch of the new system as there are many pending issues needing to be sorted before that.
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