
With the exception of Attiki Motorway’s extensions and Thessaloniki Port’s, 6th Pier expansion, all major new generation projects are now in tendering process. After a long wait and many political controversies, we are now able to see, at different stages, these projects maturing and being prepared for their constuction stage. All these projects are expected to dominate in the constructions’ sector for the years to come.

Today, ypodomes.com has prepared a list with the top 10 auctions, that are either at the beginning of the tendering process or near the completion of the pre-contractual period:

1. New Athens Metro Line 4: The project’s tender has now moved on to Phase B’ with major contenders claiming the largest transportation project of the capital: a. AKTOR-ANSALDO-HITACHI, b.TERNA-VINCI-SIEMENS and c. J&P AVAX-GHELLA-ALSTOM. The 3 J/Vs are invited to submit their offers on December 10th. The project’s budget exceeds 1.8bn euros (VAT incl.).

2. Crete’s Nortern Motorway Axis (VOAK): The largest and most expected project of Crete, with 1.45bn euros, will attract the interest of all big technical groups in the country and from abroad. The expression of interest has moved twice and has now been set for October 8th.

3. New Airport in Kasteli, Heraklion (Crete). The concession contract will soon be sent to the Court of Auditors. The contractor is TERNA-GMR and the final signatures are expected in Q1 2019. The cost of the investment reaches 480mln euros.

4. Salamina – Perama Underwater Road Tunnel: Project’s Phase B’ has been at an advanced stage for a long time now. As soon as the project receives its environmental licensing, the 3 interested parties: a. METKA, b. TERNA and c.VINCI CONS – VINCI HIGH – AKTOR CONCESSIONS will be invited to submit their offers. The project’s cost is estimated at 400-450mln euros.

5. Peloponnese – Crete electrical interconnection: A very important energy-related project, which will partly solve the problem of Crete’s  power supply, before Attica – Crete interconnection. Financial offers are expected to be opened in the following weeks.  The project’s cost is 384mln euros (VAT incl.). 

6. Patra – Pyrgos Motorway: Tenders for 8 different contracts that have already been carried out, among which 5 have approved and will be sent to the Court of Auditors while the remaining 3 are in the process of justifying the discounts given. Over the next few months, the works for the construction of the 75 km-long motorway will be launched. Project’s cost reaches 300mln euros.

7. E65 Motorway’s Southern Section (Lamia – Ksyniada): In this case there is not a competition but preparation procedures as this motorway section is included in the motorway’s concession contract. Commission’s approval is still pending, after which the construction works will begin with TERNA as the contractor. The cost is 310mln euros.

8. New Cruise Ship Pier in Piraeus Port: Project’s auction has been recently postponed and expected to take place sometime in the Autumn. The project’s cost is 168mln euros.

9. Sepolia Underground Railway Tunnel: The tendering process is at a very advanced stage, as the contract is currently in the Greek Parliament for its ratification. The signatures will follow shortly after. The contractor is INTRAKAT – SIDIRODROMIKA ERGA. The initial cost of the project exceeds 150mln euros.

10. “Sweep” contract for the completion of Amvrakia Motorrway: The anticipated tender was held in the Summer with J/V AKTOR – TERNA securing the contract. The cost of the project is approximately 150mln euros.

Apart from the above, Phace C’ of Cyclades electrical interconnection (with 142mln euros) as well as the investments in Thriassion Plain Freight Center (with 120mln euros, which is also expected to complete its pre-contractual period soon) are also coming up in the following months.


Nikos Karagiannis-ypodomes.com

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