
We had a massive show up of the BIG 5 of constructions in the two major road-PPPs of Northern Greece concerning the axes Thessaloniki-Edessa and Drama-Amphipolis. In the expression of interest that ended yesterday, December 5th, the following finally came down: GEK TERNA, ACTOR CONCESSIONS-MYTILINEOS, INTRAKAT, AVAX. Initially, the expression of interest was scheduled for October 31, but an extension was given in order to prepare the prospective contractors.

In total, the Ministry of Infrastructure now reaches the 5 road projects it promotes through PPP. Let us remind you that the others are: the flyover of Regional Thessaloniki (which is close to the signing of the contract), the Kalamata-Pylos-Methoni axis, the section of VOAK Hersonissos-Neapoli and the two new projects for Thessaloniki-Edessa and Drama-Amphipolis .

Upon completion of the expression of interest, an evaluation of the schemes will be carried out and the approval of those deemed to meet the criteria that have been set will follow. In Phase B, the exact scope of the project will be determined (dialogue) and the binding offers will be given from which the contractor of the project will emerge.

The duration of the two PPPs is set at 360 months (30 years). The first 4 years concern the construction/upgrade of the infrastructure of the road axes and the rest concern the period of operation and maintenance.

The cost with VAT for the Thessaloniki-Edessa axis was set at 444.91 million euros (358.8 million euros without VAT) and for the Drama-Amphipolis axis at an amount with VAT of 248.54 million euros (amount without VAT 200 .43 million euros).

What will be built on the Thessaloniki-Edessa axis?

In summary, the private partnership body will undertake the following:

(a) the preparation of all the required studies for the construction of the project (subsections Mavrovouni – Edessa, bypass of Giannitsa, bypass of Chalcedona), based on the already existing studies and its forecasts with no. prot. oik.202042/27-09-2012 of the Decision on the Approval of Environmental Terms as well as other necessary environmental studies which will be issued with the care and speed of the contracting authority and will ensure and speed up the receipt of all the necessary permits, the final design of the project which will arise during the assignment process and its environmental licensing,

(b) the construction of all the works, which are foreseen in the studies of the construction design of the project as well as maintenance and upgrading works of the local roads that will be included in the final design,

(c) the financing of the project, as it will arise based on the final design, and (d) the maintenance / operation of the entire road section Axios River Bridge – Edessa, as it will be provided in the final design, for the entire duration of the partnership in return availability payments during the project period.

The upgrade of the road axis EO2 (Mavrovouni – Edessa, Giannitsa Bypass, Chalkidona Bypass) is related to three individual sections out of the five into which the new alignment of the Thessaloniki – Edessa road is divided (and specifically the Axios river bridge – Edessa) as follows:

(a) Halkidona bypass section: new alignment of the Thessaloniki-Edessa National Road from the beginning of the road (defined at the end of the existing technical bridging of the Axios River and its tributaries) to the constructed Pella Greece bypass section of the road, total length ~ 6,340 km

(b) Bypass section of Pellaia Greece: this section is part of the new National Road no. 2 and has already been constructed with a cross section of width (11 m. including LEA) and (13 m.) with the supports. There is a provision that it will later acquire the typical width of the cross-section β4v*s as well as the new sections that will be built with the present partnership.

(c) Giannitsa bypass section: the project includes the construction of side roads with a total length of 14,078.33 m, vertical roads with a total length of 254.19 m, fourteen (14) bridges (and underpasses or overpasses) with a total length of approximately 363.41 m., twenty-three (23) box or tubular culverts, a retaining wall of approximately 110 m., two (2) uneven junctions, sixty (60) level junctions (mostly at the intersections of side roads), twenty-five (25) Irish crossings.

(d) Melissi – Mavrovouni section: this section is part of the new National Road no. 2 and has already been constructed with a cross section of width (11 m. including LEA-Emergency Lane) and (13 m.) with the supports. There is a provision that it will later acquire the typical width of the cross-section β4v*s as well as the new sections that will be built with the present partnership.

(e) Mavrovouni – Edessa section: the road project to be constructed, concerns the improvement of EO2 in the Thessaloniki – Edessa section and specifically in the Mavrovouni – Edessa road sub-section. In particular, the “Mavrovouni – Edessa” section to be studied belongs to the prefecture of Pella and is a new alignment of the road with side roads (service road), to serve local traffic.

What will be built on the Drama-Amphipolis axis?

Within the framework of the proposed Public-Private Partnership, the Private Partnership Entity (PPE) will implement:

A. The study, construction, financing of the departments:

• Paleokomi – Mavrolefki ~29.5 km long.

• Mavrolefki – Drama ~13.5 km long.

• U/J Mesorrachis

• U/J Paleokomi

• U/J M. Souliou

• U/J Rodolivus

• U/J Protis

• U/J N. Bafras

• U/J (semi junction) Agiti

• U/J Mavrolefkis

• A/C of Regional Drama

• K/K Drama (connection to the urban network of Drama)

B. The operation, maintenance, financing of the main road axis Drama – Amfipoli with a total length of ~43 km and any additional sections included in the aforementioned section A.

In summary, the PPE will undertake the following:

(a) the preparation of all the required studies for the Construction Design of the project, based on the studies made available by the contracting authority and its forecasts with no. prot. co. 196664/07-03-2012 Environmental Conditions Approval Decision (EIA) for the Paleokomi – Mavrolefki section of the Dramas – Amfipoli road (validity period 10 years) and the EIA for the entire project, which will take into account the existing DAET and which will be issued with the care and acceleration of the Contracting Authority and will ensure and accelerate the receipt of all the necessary permits,

(b) the construction of the entire object of the Construction Design studies with the aim of the full operational performance and readiness of the Project,

(c) the financing of the project, as will arise on the basis of the final design, and—

(d) the maintenance / operation (light and heavy) of the aforementioned section as it will be provided in the final design, for the entire duration of the partnership in exchange for availability payments during the operation period of the project.

What will be built on the Drama-Amphipolis axis?

Within the framework of the proposed Public-Private Partnership, the Private Partnership Entity (PPE) will implement:

A. The study, construction, financing of the departments:

• Paleokomi – Mavrolefki ~29.5 km long.

• Mavrolefki – Drama ~13.5 km long.

• U/J Mesorrachis

• U/J Paleokomi

• U/J M. Souliou

• U/J Rodolivus

• U/J Protis

• U/J N. Bafras

• U/J (semi junction) Agiti

• U/J Mavrolefkis

• A/C of Regional Drama

• K/K Drama (connection to the urban network of Drama)

B. The operation, maintenance, financing of the main road axis Drama – Amfipoli with a total length of ~43 km and any additional sections included in the aforementioned section A.

In summary, the PPE will undertake the following:

(a) the preparation of all the required studies for the Construction Design of the project, based on the studies made available by the contracting authority and its forecasts with no. prot. co. 196664/07-03-2012 Environmental Conditions Approval Decision (EIA) for the Paleokomi – Mavrolefki section of the Dramas – Amfipoli road (validity period 10 years) and the EIA for the entire project, which will take into account the existing AEPO and which will be issued with the care and acceleration of the Contracting Authority and will ensure and accelerate the receipt of all the necessary permits,

(b) the construction of the entire object of the Construction Design studies with the aim of the full operational performance and readiness of the Project,

(c) the financing of the project, as will arise on the basis of the final design, and—

(d) the maintenance / operation (light and heavy) of the aforementioned section as it will be provided in the final design, for the entire duration of the partnership in exchange for availability payments during the operation period of the project.


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